Monday, July 26, 2010

1k-a-day Day 26

Day 25 word count: 0
SS current word count:

LI current word count:
WS current word count:

Ugh - epic fail on writing yesterday. I didn't even plot. Sigh. Was obsessing over drafts of the Second Skin cover - that's right, the cover is in the works and so are two teaser trailers. :) Kinda lights a fire under your butt to finish the book, let me tell ya.

Tami - hope the dentist goes well. Think of a happy place...

Day 25 word count:

Parlor current word count: 26,392

WD current word count:
Dream current word count: 2,212

Wow did I have a weird weekend. Saturday I went to the eye doctor as I mentioned and then my husband got sick. We spent the night at the ER (he's okay) and didn't get much sleep. Yesterday we took it easy, just running errands and such. I got a lot of reading time in, which is awesome. I was finishing up laundry, when I didn't realize there was a small crowbar sitting on top of the dryer. I went to empty the lint trap, which caused the crowbar to fall on my almost barefoot (I had on flip flops). Now I'm hobbling around, wondering if a small bone could be broken. Not fun. The crowbar instantly left a dent/bruise. Today I go to the dentist (in about 10 minutes actually) to get a cavity filled. My life is FULL OF FUN! I hope to get some time in writing today but frankly, I just feel like vegging on the couch reading and watching movies. We'll see how it goes once I get back from the dentist.

I hope everyone has a great day! It's the start of the last week of 1k-a-day. We have a ton of prizes/books to give away to make sure to stick around. You owe it to yourself!

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