These are the rose bushes that I bought.

Marilyn Monroe roses

Ronald Reagan roses
It feels good to have the house fresh and clean, the new greenery planted, which brings me around to writing. I get the same feeling when I’ve finished a chapter. Not the first draft, or the second, but when I know that I can’t move words around and make it much better. Of course, there could always be small changes, but overall, to look at a chapter, breath in deep and realize it’s clean and fresh is a great accomplishment. The last few weeks, with the help of my great critique partners, I’ve been slogging away at my WIP. Fitting the words together like a jigsaw puzzle, trying to find the cleanest way to present my characters and their feelings. It’s refreshing, and I plan to do just that, sweep the bad words away this weekend while I enjoy my clean house, new flowers and beautiful sunshine.