Tracy's Day 2 word count: 1339
SS current word count: 36 754
LI current word count:
WS current word count:
SS current word count: 36 754
LI current word count:
WS current word count:
I have no excuse for not writing more yesterday. I struggled all morning to produce my 1k for SS and once I finally cranked out the words...I fiddle farted with all kinds of things, save writing. I contacted a friend to help me revamp my website (Thanks Erika! It's gonna be nifty!). I scanned my bookshelves and skimmed/re-read a few of my favs. I even cleaned the cupboard under the sink. Come on, NOBODY cleans that cupboard, NOBODY. Anyway, I shall try to keep focused today and make my momma proud. ;) Good luck everyone!
Tami's Day 2 word count: 1,111
Parlor current word count: 2,381
WD current word count: 5,993
Since I'm re-writing Parlor, I've chosen to show my word count as if I'm starting a new WIP (so adding yesterday and today's word count together for the current total). It was weird adding to the already 50k+ words that I had since it was almost a complete first draft. I haven't worked on WD yet for 1k-a-day, but when I do, I will be adding to the existing word count as it's so early in the 1st draft process.
Now onto my day. Writing was a little rocky after spending the day at the San Diego County Fair. Fairs are always so surreal as people walk around with fried butter (yes, they honestly had fried butter this year...don't ask), chocolate-covered bacon and other strange things you would never think to eat and then go on rides that turn you upside down until you puke. Fortunately, I was smart and only had a huge turkey leg, fresh potato chips, cotton candy and a few bites of the chocolate-covered bacon (my husband made a pinky swear that he would eat it). Walking in the ocean fresh air with the sun beating down on you, coming home and writing is the last thing on earth on your mind. BUT, I will say that I sat down and wrote 1,111 words, though it was painful. Since I'm working on re-writes, I'm trying to make each word count toward the goal of a second draft and not just a word that will send me closer to my word count. Anyway, super long story short, I hit my 1k for day 2!
I hope you all had it a little easier than I did (and ate a little healthier than I did) for the start of the 4th of July weekend in the US. Today is a new day, and one step closer to 30k this month. Keep your music rocking and your fingers tapping!