Hope everyone had a great and relaxing Saturday!
Tami's day 11 word count: 1,091
Tami's July word count: 12,003
Overall word count: 5,347
Cups of coffee drank: 1 amazing cup of Hawaiian roasted coconut coffee
Music: no music
Mindset: Today was an interesting day. I got up and knew that I wanted to get my writing done quickly. As I struggled through, I noticed that a few writers were going to do a word blitz/word wars, so I joined along. I was able to write my word count in as little as 20 minutes. Word blitz/wars are amazing!
How'd you manage, Tracy? I hope you had a great Saturday!
In 20 minutes, Tami?! Okay - maybe we should do a scheduled YAedge blitz this week. Like maybe Wednesday?
Tracy's day 11 word count: LI: 724, WS: 563
Tracy's July word count: 17 130
Overall word count: LI now: 37 171, WS now: 16 000
Cups of coffee drank: 1 pot of Timmy's coffee (I love that we can buy it in cans, but it's still way better at Tim Horton's...lol...)
Music: One of my characters in Losing It falls for a guy in a Christian rock band (but he's kind of a man whore...lol...). Anyway, I ended up listening to the CDs I recorded with my old bands and when I was done writing for the day - I hung out in my music room playing every instrument I own and going through my roster of tunes. Gotta do an open mic next time I'm in the city.
Mindset: Feeling the 1k-a-day burn now. I didn't quite make my goal word count yesterday and when the sun is shining outside, it's hard to keep my ass in the chair and write. But the rewards of 1k are starting to show - we've all got some amazing totals happening. We rock! Tonight's major challenge is going to be getting my writing done before Trueblood and Entourage.
Keep plugging away at those stories - they won't get told without you!