Tuesday, July 20, 2010

1k-a-day Day 20

Day 19 word count: 0
SS current word count:

LI current word count:
WS current word count:

Yesterday I deliberately avoided the computer as I was still recovering from my garden weeding misadventures. I managed to jot down some notes to expand upon today, but didn't count them. Have a blast on your trip, Tami! On your recommendation, I bought one of Ally Carter's books and will dive into it soon.

Good luck everyone! 1k or bust!

Day 19 word count: 1,000
Parlor current word count: 19.306
WD current word count:
The Dream book: 2,212

Okay, so I didn't write exactly 1,000 words yesterday, but it's hard to tell how many I have. It was around 1,800 but some of those were from research I read on mythology I was looking into for the new book idea I have, so to be fair I just said 1k. :) My day was odd yesterday because I tried to do all my house choirs in the morning before the heat was too much to handle. I got a ton done in the morning, but not much in the afternoon. I wanted to go to the library to do some more research, but it was closed. Stupid budget cuts! So, instead I went home and found a few sites online that helped me with my research.

Tomorrow's post might be a little late for me, but we'll see. I'm heading to Los Angeles today for the Ally Carter signing at one of my all time favorite book stores, Vromans. The signing is at 4pm on Wednesday, but I've decided to go a day early and visit with my family. Hopefully I'll get some writing done and will be able to tackle my check in post on my mom's computer (she still has dial up, so wish me luck).


Bidisha said...

I've only been able to get some writing done at night, like late night (actually that's my most productive period always)..but I'm lost on the word count. Around 500 I'm guessing.

Tami Klockau said...

Awesome, Tracy. Which did you buy????

Good job, Bee!

Tammy Blackwell said...

Last night I managed to get in 1,919 words! Okay, so some of that was typing in the last few pages of longhand stuff from the hospital, but most of it was new. Promise.