Wednesday, November 5, 2008

1k-a-day Day 5

Day 4 was way too hard for me. I hope all of you were able to write despite the US Presidential Election. Unfortunately for me, I did not. I had a few words, but not enough to even count. I will say, it was worth it! I am proud to be an American tonight and proud to live in a country that elected an African-American president.

Tami's day 4 word count:
Tami's November word count: 4,100
Overall word count: 28,792
Pieces of Halloween candy eaten: A lot. Unfortunately, it didn't help me write.
Music: Vampire Weekend again
Mindset: I was too distracted with and later by the TV coverage. Then my favorite hockey team played a rival tonight that I could not miss. I feel shame...but tomorrow is a new day and I will try and make it up!
Tami's day 5 word count: will post my word count later

Okay Tracy! How did you do yesterday?


Well, considering my TV was commandeered by my social studies teacher husband who watched election coverage all night - I had nothing to do BUT write. :) So yesterday was my banner day thus far.

On a side note - I'm organizing a group of friends to go and see Twilight when it comes out this month. I want to go opening night - just to see how the teen girls react - why am I picturing Elvis/Edward-I-Love-You type screams?

Tracy's day 4 WC: 1343

Tracy's overall WC: 4836

Tracy's Day 6 WC: 1021

Bring on DAY 5 - cause we're all still ALIVE! (Okay, original poet I am not.)


Tracy Belsher said...

Looks like I'm the first to cave for the night. I didn't get as much typed as I wanted but I wrote a few pages of notes. I refuse to try to count my chicken scratch. So I'm logging in with another "just made it" word count.

How did you guys do?

Denise Jaden said...

Woohoo! My husband left for Phoenix today!

Just kidding, I'm not soooo excited about that. I'm very excited about all the extra writing time though!

WIP - 4339 today! (total 33355)
New - 2869 today (total 10099)

Grand total today: 7208!!!
I'm off to celebrate :)
Wishing you all success today too!

Shonell Bacon said...

Today's word count - 2,682
Overall word count since day one - 14,397

Tami Klockau said...

Wow, I'm in awe each time I see the word counts. 7208 words today? You were a writing machine, Denise! With the way you're going, you'll take first place in this week's free book contest!

As for me, I barely squeaked by. Not sure what's up with me but I just can't get in the groove.

LeAnn said...

Day 5 Word Count

Start of November: 0
Day 5 Word Count: 1,125
Total November: 9,487

I barely made it in today! I am in a play that opens on Friday night (yeh, crazy time to try to write a book in a month) and I had play practice until 11pm last night. So, that is when I finally sat down to write, but at least I squeezed in my mere 1000+ words in 30 minutes. :)

Tracy Belsher said...

"La" I wondered about the play / drama with your teen you mentioned in Day 4....I thought maybe they were the same event. :) Well, break a leg with the play - and you're still doing just fine with your word counts.

Denise and Chick lit gurrl - you are my heroes!