Sunday, November 16, 2008

The big question...

Here it goes. All you have to do is answer the question below in the comments section of this post to win a free book. We'll be picking our favorite answer, so make them clever. Be as funny, serious or down right silly as you want!

What is keeping you from writing/making your word count, better known as PROCRASTINATION?

Now, there are no rules as far as your answer goes. I will say one thing, my dog ate my computer won't win. ;)

Good luck folks! You have until Monday night at 6pm PST to post your answers to the question!

Just to get you a little more excited, here's the list of books to win!

How To Ditch Your Fairy by Justine Larbalestier
ttyl by Lauren Myracle
Valiant by Holly Black
Golden by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Platinum by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
When Lightning Strikes by Meg Cabot
Lessons from a Dead Girl by Jo Knowles
The Boyfriend List by E. Lockhart
Peeps by Scott Westerfeld


Jenny Melzer said...

My procrastination excuse was sickness last week. :( I'm feeling better this week, so hopefully I can up the ante. I forgot to log my word counts here on Friday and Saturday this week.

Kristy Baxter said...

This probably verges on TMI, but I've been surgically attached to my heating pad and shoveling Tylenol down my throat since Friday afternoon. And now I'm ready to take my ladyparts to the return counter. No more cramps, plz...kthxbai.

Tami Klockau said...

Ooo, not good girls! Unfortunately, I was hit by both at the same time. Now THAT is no fun! I guess I can list that as my procrastination among many other things here.

Jenny, don't forget to post your count for Saturday! It starts week 3.

Melissa Walker said...

Oh, let's see: twitter, readergirlz blogging, blogging, facebook, myspace, oprah, magazines, books, and my boyfriend. Anyone feel me?

Tracy Belsher said...

While Aunt Flow wasn't visiting me this week (I so hate her) - I, too, gave up valuable writing time thanks to many online detours and my Supernatural watching blitz.

So I'm gonna get writing...before True Blood comes on.

Oh, crap.

Tami Klockau said...

Aunt Flow! Oh my god, that is hilarious Tracy! I must now use that...with your permission of course. ;)

Nicole Ireland said...

My procrastination excuse is I picked up the book Twilight and fell in love with Edward Cullen. He then whisked me off to a faraway place where I didn't have computer access.

Tami Klockau said...

Can I add checking this blog for your great answers to the question as one of my procrastinations?

Tracy Belsher said...

Permission granted, Tami - that's a well used term around here.


Jennifer C. said...

I am a mother of 3, wife of 1, a full-time college student, I meet with my learning team once a week outside of attend class. I also in the last 3 weeks have had an allergy attack every weekend. This weekend I was in bed all day. I'm the only one who cooks in my house. Plus I need to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Right now it's worrying about my family, a thousand miles away, in Orange County, CA & Los Angeles, CA.

Having a LOT of trouble focusing.

Tami Klockau said...

Wow JC, you are one busy woman! Props to you!

writebrained, I totally understand. I live in San Diego, but grew up in the San Fernando Valley. I have friends and family in danger. I'll keep my fingers cross. We were evacuated last year here in SD and it ended well for us. Let's hope it's the same for your family.

Anna said...

Since procrastination is my area all the time... blogger, my blog, twitter, message boards, reading, church, practicing piano... piano lessons, memorizing choir music... memorizing solo and ensamble music (which doesn't really need to be memorized until january). And... making Christmas lists, Christmas shopping... and looking at my pile of TBR books which is growing and growing and deciding that I should read a few. :p Oh. And becoming a screaming fangirl every time I see the Twilight commercial on TV. :D


Anonymous said...

So, there are nymphs in my book and I wondered where they started. So I googled it. Only the first answer up was some not too bright person saying they were English Goddesses *snort* So I went to Wiki, but they showed a painting of Waterhouses' Hylas and the Nymphs. But all the nymphs look alike, not to mention their biologically missing something... well it looks like that in the small painting...but wait! This painting had visited the MFA. Is it still there? Time spent looking for a list of where paintings are housed. *sigh* It's not still there....Back to looking at the tiny version. Must. Find. Out. Why. The. Same.
googling again
Oh, Waterhouse did make them all the same... conflicting reasons
googling again
No. Not everyone imagined nymphs all the same. But most of Waterhouse's heroines look similar
googling again
Maybe that's because of who he studied under
googling again
He was a pre-Raphaelite painter under and joined the pre-R brotherhood started by Rossetti
Darn it, I forgot to look up that poem by his sister.
and so it goes....