Tami's day 10 word count: 1,056
Tami's July word count: 10,912
Overall word count: 4,256 (for Worst Days)
Cups of coffee drank: 2
Music: John Mayer...I haven't listened to him in awhile and I always forget how much I love his music.
Mindset: Today was tough for me. I had left the story at a point where the scene had wrapped up and I didn't know where to take it. I also tried to crank it out before leaving work (which I did...YAY) but it seems like I spent the whole time staring at the word count, waiting to hit 1,000. Some days work, others don't. Tomorrow shouldn't be too hard as I'm in the middle of a conversation and will be able to pick it back up easily.
How'd writing go for you, Tracy? Did you do your usual Friday night movie, pizza and beer last night?
Ha! I really am predictable....lol....but instead of renting a DVD, we went our for dinner and a movie last night. Saw Public Enemies - was slow to start, but once it got going...what a shoot'em up flick!
Tracy's day 10 word count: LI: 284, WS: 1076
Tracy's July word count: 15 843
Overall word count: LI now: 36 447, WS now: 15 437
Cups of coffee drank: 4 and with out creme because we ran out. Ick.
Music: True Blood soundtrack
Mindset: I had a hard time writing for Losing It yesterday. I was writing an emotional scene and kept pushing too hard...it got melodramatic, ya know? So I spent most of my time on Witch's Shadow. I hope to return to Losing It today with some distance - here's to making readers feel the emotion - without making my characters sob, weep, gasp, cry. ;)
How's the rest of the 1k-a-day crew holding up?