We're five days away from the 2nd semi-annual 1k-a-day here on YAedge. Are you prepared? For those of you who do NaNoWrimo every November, 1,000 words a day shouldn't be too hard, but don't take 1k-a-day lightly. To consistently write every day for a full month can become grueling. Here are a few tips to make sure that you're ready.
- Know your story. I can't stress that enough. Try and write a rough synopsis or have some kind of map to follow on the days the words don't flow. Instead of staring at the blinking cursor, you will be able to move around your plot if you know your story.
- Know your characters. Try to make note cards based on their characteristics so you don't spend a lot of time flipping through pages trying to find what color your main character's eyes are or what their favorite food is.
- Be prepared to let the words flow. Don't worry about edits, the goal here is to write 1,000 words a day, not make them perfect. Editing is for August.
- Motivation. If YAedge giving away books from our own home libraries for free isn't enough, why not make a deal with yourself. If you write 7,000 each week you can go out to dinner or buy a new book. Whatever works for you.
- Get the word out. The more people, the more fun 1k-a-day will be. If you have a blog or website and want to share the info, please do! You can right click (or drag to your desktop if you're on a mac) the image above to advertise 1k-a-day (please be sure to link it back to http://yaedge.blogspot.com). Also, if it helps, you can blog about 1k-a-day, too! Feel free to post the links to your posts in your daily word count comments on YAedge.
- Remember, the most important thing is to end up with 30,000 words by August 1. You'll have half a book written in just a month!