Happy 4th of July!!!! Hope everyone who celebrates has a fun and safe day!
Tami's day 3 word count: 997
Tami's July word count: 3,057
Overall word count: This is hard to calculate because today was a revisions day, so I didn't work on my WIP.
Cups of coffee drank: 0 (and had a headache because of it)
Music: Nothing but the sound of the bullfrogs outside of my bedroom window.
Mindset: Today I had fun...and then I didn't. This morning I was awoken by a wood chipper and that pretty much set the tone. We had fun at the beach, except there were about 1,000 people and it was only 70 degrees. I planned to come home, relax and write. Instead we came home to a broken fridge (as in not cold at all) and most everything gone spoiled. I will say, we knew something was up with it, but didn't have a clue it was this close to dying. The only thing we can hope for at this point is a HUGE 4th of July sale on kitchen appliances and really really fast delivery. :) After the fridge fiasco, we needed a laugh so we watched National Lampoon's Vacation. Then I had some time to do revisions while my husband read the end of Lost and Found (and hopefully didn't have too many notes).
Tracy, let's hope you had a less hectic day. How'd you do on day 3?
Tracy's day 3 word count: LI - 1123, WS - 974
Tracy's July word count: 6937
Overall word count: LI now at 33 735, WS now at 10 269
Cups of coffee drank: At least a pot of coffee and several cups of chai tea
Music: A lot of angst filled alternative rock - I'm surprised I didn't slit my wrists.
Mindset: Fiercely determined to do anything but WRITE. I was distracted by my dogs, the rain, the sunshine, the return of the rain, vacuuming the carpets, searching for songs on iTunes. Whoa - I was all over the place yesterday, but managed to keep my ass in my chair long enough to meet my 2k goal. Whew - here's to less hyperactivity today!
Enjoy the weekend, kids, but don't forget to write.
Tami's day 3 word count: 997
Tami's July word count: 3,057
Overall word count: This is hard to calculate because today was a revisions day, so I didn't work on my WIP.
Cups of coffee drank: 0 (and had a headache because of it)
Music: Nothing but the sound of the bullfrogs outside of my bedroom window.
Mindset: Today I had fun...and then I didn't. This morning I was awoken by a wood chipper and that pretty much set the tone. We had fun at the beach, except there were about 1,000 people and it was only 70 degrees. I planned to come home, relax and write. Instead we came home to a broken fridge (as in not cold at all) and most everything gone spoiled. I will say, we knew something was up with it, but didn't have a clue it was this close to dying. The only thing we can hope for at this point is a HUGE 4th of July sale on kitchen appliances and really really fast delivery. :) After the fridge fiasco, we needed a laugh so we watched National Lampoon's Vacation. Then I had some time to do revisions while my husband read the end of Lost and Found (and hopefully didn't have too many notes).
Tracy, let's hope you had a less hectic day. How'd you do on day 3?
Tracy's day 3 word count: LI - 1123, WS - 974
Tracy's July word count: 6937
Overall word count: LI now at 33 735, WS now at 10 269
Cups of coffee drank: At least a pot of coffee and several cups of chai tea
Music: A lot of angst filled alternative rock - I'm surprised I didn't slit my wrists.
Mindset: Fiercely determined to do anything but WRITE. I was distracted by my dogs, the rain, the sunshine, the return of the rain, vacuuming the carpets, searching for songs on iTunes. Whoa - I was all over the place yesterday, but managed to keep my ass in my chair long enough to meet my 2k goal. Whew - here's to less hyperactivity today!
Enjoy the weekend, kids, but don't forget to write.